Friday, June 13, 2008

What 60s bands still deserve respect?

So I was ponderin' the 1960s today. Part of my thoughts involved how much Boomers ejaculate themselves over their music. Really want to start a fight with someone over 50? Tell them their music sucks. You won't hear the end of it. In light of this, I had the question that makes up the title of this post. What bands from the 1960s still deserve respect? Or for a finer point, what bands from the 1960s are true classics, not just Boomer viewed classics. My list would probably start with Beach Boys, the Beatles, the Rolling Stones. All of which are obvious, although I would say a case could be made against each as well (My case against the beatles would be all their music sounds the same, be it early or later stuff, and their innovations were coming anyway. They were also sell outs, both early on and as their career progressed but that is another argument.) The whole goal here is to develop the canon of 60s bands, who were the most essential at the time and for later development of popular music.

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