Monday, June 09, 2008

Joe Loserman

Why is it so hard for the Democrats to beat this guy? To shut him up so that he has no credibility with the American people? Obviously the narrow majority in the Senate figures into this equation, but Lieberman really is a terrible politician and shouldn't be that hard to smack down.

Wouldn't an effective strategy for beating Lieberman be emasculating him the same way he consistently was emasculated by the Right during the 2000 election? It just seems like that the easiest way to get rid of Lieberman would be, in the next Congress, when the Democratic Majority is larger, to simply amend every bill cutting any money in it for Connecticut placed there by Lieberman. Couple this with a full out assault on Joe Lieberman as a person to the point he has no credibility left. If the Democrats were daring, they would implement this strategy now. Daring and aggressive are two things that haven't defined the Democrats for some time though.

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