Thursday, June 05, 2008

Stupid Media Actions

I really hate complaining about the media. I think it is a waste of time. However, I am going to break my hatred of complaining about the media to ... complain about the media! My basic problem comes from something I just saw on Hardball. Jonathan Alter, how I really respect, just gave a lengthy hypothetical of possible was Clinton could withdraw from the race after Tuesday's end of the primary. After reviewing possibilities such as Clinton joint appearing with Obama in Minneapolis as a way for Clinton to appear gracious at the end of the election, Alter proceeded to bash Clinton for not doing his hypothetical. In fairness to Alter, he did mention how he suggested his hypothetical to someone at the Clinton campaign, and then shockingly, they didn't do it. Perhaps this gives him some justification for bashing Clinton. I mean, her campaign didn't follow Alter's BRILLIANT suggestion.

It just really gets my goat (I don't know what that means) when the persons in the media create hypothetical situations and then bash any given candidate for not following that hypothetical. Boo on you Jonathan Alter, Boo on you. And to think that I read all of your book about Roosevelt.

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