Monday, July 14, 2008

Updatin' is so much fun!!!!

Alright, its been awhile, and much has happened in the political world.

More importantly I have moved, still in the central timezone, thank god, but much much further South. Not much news about that, but it is warm.

Bush as Brezhnev? Maybe. That should remain for a much further discussion later, if I gets around to it.

Obviously I quit updating the electoral college predictioning. Basically, I don't care anymore. Obama "moved to the center" and that was dumb. I will probably still vote for him, but I am not enthusiastic about it anymore. Boo on him. If he wins, I hope he brings the pork chops. (shout out to GC)

Furthermore, on this front coupled with the dead comedic giants, I read some where that part of what led Obama to support FISA was he began receiving the daily intelligence briefings. I don't know if that is true or not, but it reminds me of Bill Hicks' point about why nothing ever changes with elections of new presidents. Where some people take the new president to a darkened room and show him the Kennedy assassination from a never before seen angle. If you know what I am talking about, then, tautologically, you know what I am talking about. If not, listen to Bill Hicks.

I am sure I had other things on my mind, but they are gone now.

Maybe post later.

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