Friday, July 30, 2010

2010 MO Primary-7th Congressional District Republicans

I don't actually know much about this race. It occurs to me though that it is Billy Long's to lose.

Gary Nodler probably has the best shot against long, but I don't think Nodler has raised more money than Long.

The Nodler-Long competition is a microcosm of the Republican party overall. Nodler is going for the Sarah Palin/Tea Party vote and Long is the establishment/pro-business Republican.

From the left, both Nodler and Long are indistinguishable. In the Every True Scotsman Party though, they are apparently quite different.

To some extent, the race is a contest between Springfield and Joplin. Joplin will lose, they always do.

I don't know any of the other chumps running in the Republican Primary, they really aren't important.

It doesn't matter what Democrats are running.

They will all lose in November.