Saturday, July 09, 2005


We've talked some about different ways to approach issues. Sometimes we need new terminology. I know you'll protest this post on the grounds that we shouldn't be afraid to state our honest positions. And I agree with that, but I think that some terms aren't fully descriptive.

The one that strikes me right now is 'environmentalist.' I don't even know what that means. It means someone who cares for the environment, but don't we all care for the environment? Some more than others, I suppose, but even pro-business Republicans don't want an ugly and polluted world. They just think that economics will somehow take care of it. So, at least we can fault them for being stupid.

So, what content does the general term environmentalist have? Certainly there are different types of environmentalists. There are conservationists, who are for judicious use and replenishment of resources, and there are preservationists, who would be for not messing with it in the first place.

But what is the ethos of an "environmentalist?" There is something to it. We know what people are talking about when they say enviromentalist, but it's specific content isn't encompassed in the term.

So, someone should get into that content, find out what it means to be an 'environmentalist' and then, perhaps, suggest a better term.

There is nothing particularly wrong with "environmentalist," but maybe there is a term that could sell better.

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