Moving on.
Lately, lefties seem to be salivating over the possibility that Karl Rove is going to do one of several things or have one of several things done to him. This all relates to the apparent trouble Rove is in regarding the outing of Valerie Plame. Keeping with the title of this blog, I have to say I don't care. what Rove may or may not have done. I am sorry if I see other actions this administration has done as more threatening to our national security than whether or not "turd blossom", as he is so affectionately called, leaked Valerie Plame's name.
I will go even further and say that virtually NO ONE out here in the middle gives a rat's ass over what a New York Times reporter is doing, whether it be spending time in jail standing up for freedom of the press or not, but keeping with the direction of this post I want to specifically discuss this article by Timothy Noah:
for other examples see also,,, Salon's "War Room", either way you get the point.
Okay, what Noah seems to be saying, and what a lot of other lefties on the net seem to be hoping is that some how law and justice will triumph over Karl Rove's nefarious activities, and Rove will do, or have done to him, one or more of the following 1) Resign, 2) be fired, 3) be indicted for either 3a) leaking Plame's name or 3b) perjury before a grand jury, or 4) go to jail.
Well folks, I really only have two things to say:
and 2) NO ONE CARES!
Lets address these points separately.
First, Rove isn't going anywhere. I am sorry but no amount of political or legal pressure is going to push Rove out of the White House. For the love of Christ, his nickname is Turd Blossom! Bush loves this guy! Let me put that differently, the President will not let his advisor resign or go to jail. Period! end of story, ain't anything else to say. Stop wishing and hoping people, start being realistic. Rove will be with this white house till the end. But but what about the special prosecutor!, you might sputter in all your coastal fury. well, in a few months he will say he couldn't find anything, and close the grand jury. Just cause a grand jury convenes doesn't mean indictments follow. In this notoriously loyal administration, where you can screw up an invasion, putting american fighting men and women in harms way, and still keep your job, do you HONESTLY think that what someone may or may not have said to a reporter is going to lead to their downfall?
NO ONE CARES! The people out here in the middle, you know the ones we need for a Democrat to return to the White House, they don't care about this story. This issue doesn't help national Democrats. I am sure the beltway types think it does. But haven't beltway Democrats been proven wrong enough lately? Lemme put it differently, this issue doesn't help us! Let us concentrate on other things! This issue won't help us convince the 3 percent of voters we need to win in 08. It doesn't convince voters to vote for us. It looks like sour grapes, which makes us look like whiners. Rather than looking for blood, lets treat this administration like the lame duck it is.
Furthermore, in the context of huge hurricanes, London bombings, and Supreme Court retirements, this story has no legs. The folks don't care.
Some time, I wish that a pollster would look at the dissimilar populations of the "swing states" alone, independent of what national politics are, just looking at those swing states out here in the great middle. The data would need to be aggregated, not individualized for the states, so as to avoid pandering to one state population, simply to get a conception of what these people care about, and you know what will be bottom of that list? Judith Miller and whether or not an advisor to the president broke the law. Maybe then, lefties would realize their fevered fantasies are a waste of time, and would instead direct their energies into developing new ways of organizing the party and selling our ideas.
I think this is the type of story that ultimately hurts the left. It is the type of imperial court gossip that makes those of us here in the provinces hate politics. So it is best that we let it go. Of all the things we can use to attack the Bush administration, this is probably the weakest and dumbest in terms of helping us win future elections and return to the status of majority party.
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