Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Are they going to hurt us, Walter? No Donnie. These men are cowards.

You know something that really chaps my ass. Fundamentally, almost all Americans are nihilists. They believe in nothing. Everyone is a cafeteria everything. A little from this philosophy, religion, or political beliefs, a little from that. Frankly, it is kind of disgusting. Why this is, I don't know. Could just be the fact we live in a post modern age or that beliefs have become too dangerous. How could ideas become too dangerous? Ideology can destroy the world now, but does it really operationalize down to individuals not having personal beliefs? Do people really not believe things because those beliefs aggregated could lead to horrible consequences like nuclear wars? I think that people don't have fundamental beliefs because having such are too painful on a much more personal level. Having beliefs is painful because beliefs generally require sacrifice in one way or another. Most Americans don't want to sacrifice anything, if at all possible.

Maybe that is all wrong, maybe Americans are not fundamentally nihilistic, or maybe not for the reasons I propose. This was just something I was thinking about this morning.

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