Saturday, April 30, 2005

And Start Organizing!

Following up on Reece's post, a good outlet for those let's-go-protest energies would be to put the drum down, keep your shirt on, and ask yourself: "Who is my neighborhood Democratic Party precinct official?" or perhaps "When is my Democratic Party Precinct meeting/convention?" If you don't know the answers, perhaps you should find someone who can give them to you.


Because organizing structures for concerned left of center individuals already exist. Those structures need dedicated persons actively working to advance a left of center agenda in a climate of conservative domination of the national agenda.

But, WMD, the Democratic Party is as beholden to corporate interests as the Republican Party!

That is only true in as much as hardworking, committed liberals refuse to participate within the party structure. By working within the Democratic Party, liberals and persons on the left can work to determine what kind of political interests the Democratic Party represents.

If one is so committed to political action that one is willing to be arrested, one could expend much less energy working within local political party structures, all the while breathing new life into the party and political viewpoint that has been kicked in the teeth in over the past 5 years.

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