Sunday, February 11, 2007

Our Broken Constitution

Here is the list, some better written than others, of the changes, to the Constitution, that would improve our government:

-The President shall not use the military force of the United States, except when so authorized by Congress, or in order to repel an armed attack. Any unauthorized use of the military force shall be a high crime subject to impeachment upon motion of 1/4 of the House of Representatives.

-Give Congress the ability to remove cabinet level officers with simple votes of no confidence

-An amendment similar to the provision in the German Basic Law requiring party democracy

-A Congressional power to end war

-Repeal of the Direct Election of Senators, and specification that Senators MUST represent their state governments through appointment by state executives.

-Ending Pocket Vetoes

-Ending Recess Appointments

-Veto Overrides occur through a cumulative 60 percent vote of a joint session of Congress

-Update Congressional Domestic powers to reflect the era in which we live, meaning adjusting the language of Congressional powers such that Congress has the broad power to regulate the economy.

-abandon the electoral college

Other not very well thought out amendments we have discussed:

-Amending the Powers of the president such that the president is not the sole voice of the nation in foreign affairs

-Overturning Buckley v. Valeo

-Limiting the power of the Senate

-Proportional representation in Congress

-requiring Cabinet positions be held by the chairpersons of the respective Senate committees.

Other Changes that would not technically require a constitutional amendment:

-Increasing the size of the House of Representatives

What else have we come up with? Also, we should spend some time fleshing these out more.

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