Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Quick review

The article about torture is right on:

On the floor of the Senate, before everyone left on vacation, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., sounded the administration line: There is no need for this legislation because we are not dealing with prisoners of war but "terrorists."

John McCain stood up and responded that the debate was not "about who they are. It's about who we are." We are Americans, the senator said, and we hold ourselves to a higher standard than those who slaughter the innocent in Iraq or Afghanistan, or in London or on 9/11 here at home.

I think you got the oil article for the most part. I would ask you to respond to one issue: He is in part talking about a long plateau and slow decline in the availability of oil. It is possible that under those conditions, the cost of military action to secure more oil would not have the same costs you envision. Any response to that?

Religious Right ruining the country. I think she does a good job of describing the problem, but doesn't suggest any method of making it better. We still have to beat them to get them out of office.

I didn't read the Dionne piece either. So, I'll wait for your reaction to that.

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