Monday, May 02, 2005

The Agenda

That's kind of a scary thought because it might be true. And we love lowering our taxes--gotta get da gubment off our backs.

Part of what I find interesting about the push for SS reform is how it just demonstrated Thomas Frank's thesis. The 'story' of the '04 election was that values voters came out in force to vote for Bush, and that's what put him back in the White House.

That thesis is certainly debatable, and it probably doesn't stand up to scrutiny. But, thanks to the media, it is what everyone believes.

Going with that idea, it is telling that Bush, after being re-elected 'by' values voters, decides that his first major policy goal will be to dismantle a program that is geared to keep people out of poverty in their old age.

Promise the overturn of Roe, but give 'em social security privatization . . . and bankruptcy "reform" . . . and class action "reform". All of these serve the interests of large, wealthy companies at the expense of poor families and individuals.

It's kind of disgusting actually. What do the fundamentalists get? A law for Terri Shiavo that didn't even have the bite to make the courts do anything.

Give a dog a bone, I guess.

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